Wednesday, November 9, 2016

We LOVE Letterland!!

Come with us on a trip to a magical place, where letters come to life!!  Your child is learning letter sounds along with characters that represent each letter.  The Letterland program is research based and is supported by the Wake County Public School System.  Your child will use this program for phonics instruction through second grade.  Ask your child about Letterland today!!  To find out more about the Letterland program go to this link- 

This is a link to a Letterland video we use for instruction, take a look- Letterland Video


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Learning Through Play!!

Working in art center to create a master piece.  Using fine motor skills we pinch, grasp, and manipulate materials to enhance our ability to use writing utensils in the future.

As we collaborate in blocks we learn so many life long skills.  We learn that communication and compromise are key to successful relationships.  Our preschool students are working on skills that will allow them to work collaboratively to solve problems and make our world a better place.

As we work, we talk.  We learn to describe our creations and communicate our ideas to others. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Ready, Set, Learn!!!

We are off to a great start for the 2016-2017 school year!!  We are getting to know each other and getting to know the routines and expectations.  We look forward to a great year!!

September 23, 2016
We will have our first Family Involvement Activity on next Friday, Sept. 23.  We will meet at North Regional Library -7009 Harps Mill Rd, Raleigh, NC 27615 for story time at 10:30.  Afterward you may sign up for a library card.  This is a FREE service to all Wake County residents.  Literacy is our main goal this year.  Reading to your child each day is the best way to ensure they will be lifelong readers!!  

Saturday, June 18, 2016

So excited to meet you!!

We have only been out of school for one week and I am already thinking about the fall!!  I just can't express how excited I am to meet our new Pre-K families and get started!!  I will be working this summer on getting this blog up and running.  My goal is for us to be able to use this as a way to communicate throughout the year.  I love to share pictures and stories about what is happening in the classroom, I hope you will all follow along as we embark on this grand adventure!! 
                                                                                                      Lots of love,
                                                                                                       Mrs. Jenkins